Thursday, March 27, 2014

Objective Summary 3/27/14

                                           The Vicious Circle of Income Inequality 
                In a New York Times article: The Vicious Circle of Income Inequality, the author Robert H. Frank, establish an argument that wealthy people could easily control the economy, that leads to inequality. Therefore, it increase the growing income gap in the globe. In America, Inequality has been the main issue, it leads to political debates and public opinion. In addition, the talents of many poor people have been thrown to waste, due to lack of income. On the other hand, the wealthy. The author claimed that money is the dictator of life. Wealthy people get richer every day by having a business to enrich their wealth. Therefore, wealthy people influence the political process by helping to advance technology that could help public facilities. The inequality of income distribution also affects the future of the next generation. with the tighter budget that middle and lower class receive, the future life of the young, smart and talented children of the lower classes will be repeated, and will never become a higher class citizen "rags to rags in three generations".

Frank, Robert  H.  "The Vicious Circle of Income Inequality." The New York Times. The New York Times, 11 Jan. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

Friday, March 21, 2014

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Chapter summary: Influence/Speechless.

           In Chapter five ,"Influence/Speechless," of the expository book Eating Animals, Jonathan Foer is concerned about viruses spreading slowly through domestic and  factory farming called H5N1. The virus first  acknowledge in Hong Kong, that killed 6 people. The victims  include a three years old Lam Hoi Ka.  
H5N1 victim
Lam Hoi Ka's picture holding by his mother.

 Some researchers believed that the virus originated from chickens that jumped to humans. In the chapter, Foer introduces many examples that correspond to H5N1 like the "Spanish Flu" of 1918, that killed 100 millions worldwide. The H5N1 isn't much of a threat for now, however researchers found that this new virus could mutate to other animals that could potentially spread all over the world. Foer also mentioned how containers that animlas are being put into after being slaughtered which is were the most of the germs spread. The central idea for the chapter is that new viruses, which moved between farmed animals amd humans will be a major global health threat for the future, starting today. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Eating Animal Chapter Summary,

Chapter summary of "Words Meaning"

               In Chapter two, "Words Meaning," of  his expository of Eating Animals, Jonathan Foer 
addresses the preservation and restoration of animal population and the actual process of how animals are raised to become food. Foer argues that by eating animals people are forgetting about the fact that animals are part of the community and  food production used too much of propaganda to mislead consumers.
The author lists many analytical professions like Anthropodenial to raise  the question, what is an Animal, and what it takes for animals to be define as animal. He points out that once humans were considered animals. Foer wants to make the readers be in the position of the animals, be in a tight place where an animal can't move and die slowly. Chickens are the main animals that Foer made the most facts. He stated that all this years, there are only two types of chickens in the world of factory farming. Broiler and layers. Broilers are the chickens used only for meat, but layers are chickens used only for laying eggs. In Foer's argument, it is better to be the layers than the broilers because once in the chickens live experience a little space for them to lay eggs. Also, Foer introduce the "bycatch" of sea creatures. 
He believes that people, catch different types of fish by accident but for purposes. Foer, also point out that if the sea creatures are caught by "accident" then why are they in a sushi restaurant, ready to be eaten?. In conclusion, Foer doesn't want factory farming or eating animals to end, but to make factory owners and the government to realized that every human beings deserved a good death, not a painful in-human ways.